Questions to answer about your story:
1. What is the "goal" of the main character? Goal is physical or external - what is he/she is physically trying to do?
To gain over-all acceptance of ones self.
2. What is the "need" of the main character? What are his/her fatal internal flaws? Need is internal - the internal deficiency in the character that needs to be corrected
Needs to feel accepted. Feels diferent, and because of that, feels as though hes odd
3. What is the difficult choice the character is having to make? What is the central dilemma?
To fight to become/feel "normal" or accpet who he his. Accept his flaws.
4. Using the concept of Projection as described in the DVD, if you go inside the head of the character, what is the worst thing that can happen (face their worst fear)? What is the psychological obstacle?
To not be able to overcome his "flaws", and be forced into being "odd" or "different" his whole life. Mentaly he must fight to be diferent from himself. Diferent from who he is.
5. What/who is the antagonist? How does the antagonist embody the inner conflict of the protagonist?
The antagonists are the 'preditor' that are trying to eat the main characture. These preditors create an extreme obsticle by forceing the main characture into situations where he must come face-to-face with his "flaws"
6. What is the relationship between the antagonist and the protagonist?
The antagonist is mearly trying to fullfil his primel need of hunger. Where as the protagonist is simply attempting to travel from point -A- to point -B- while struggling with his inner demons for acceptance.
7. Describe the character arc - the need drives the story - can't get the goal because of inner conflict - character must overcome internal problem before they get the goal. You have to hit bottom before coming back up.
The main characture tries to mearly fit in. He struggles to be someone he is not in order to feel acceptance. But, as he fights with his inner conflict, the physical world presants a much more dangerouse obsticle, which causes the main characture to almost "give-up" on his inner sturggles in order to save his life.
8. What is the climax of your story?
The climax is when the main characture becomes attacked.
9. Describe the resolution? The resolution comes after the BIG choice has been made - it is the aftermath.
The main characture accepts who he is, in order to escape his attackers. In doing so he realizes the importance of simply being who he is.
10. The theme is how they resolve the dilemma. What is the theme of your story?
The theme is the idea that.."Be who you are, and not who others say you should be"
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